If you live, work, or drive through South Knoxville often, you’re likely used to driving by the iconic JFG sign, but out of nowhere, it was removed this past Monday and it had residents going crazy asking “what happened? where did it go?!”
Well, looks like we’ve got our answer. WATE 6 reports that Reily Foods, the company that has owned JFG since 1965, had to take it down because their contract for the use of the land had run out. Word is the property may have been sold.
The Knoxville-based coffee brand, JFG, has had their sign lit up since the 1950s so it makes sense why people are concerned. It’s a part of the city’s history and culture, and many grew up with it.
Unfortunately, the fate of the sign’s future is unknown at this time.
Photo By: Knoxville Scoop via Facebook
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