DON’T Buy These Bathing Suit Colors for Your Kids | Christine

DON’T Buy These Bathing Suit Colors for Your Kids | Christine

DON’T Buy These Bathing Suit Colors for Your Kids | Christine


When you’re out shopping for bathing suits for your kids this summer there are certain colors you need to avoid because, believe it or not, the color can impact their safety.

Bernard Fisher, director of health and safety for the American Lifeguard Association, told CNN

A child’s swimsuit color can significantly impact their visibility in the water, which is crucial in preventing drownings. Bright and contrasting colors stand out more clearly against the water, making it easier for lifeguards and parents to spot a child quickly, especially in an emergency situation.

The colors NOT to buy:

  • Light Blue

  • Light Green

  • White

Your best bet are bright and neon colors such as yellow, orange, pink, and red. All are visible underwater and on the surface.

The company, Alive Solutions, conducted two different experiments (using 14 colors) and found what colors are easier to spot in water. You can see the results in the graphic below.

Alive Solutions


Photo By: FamVeld via iStock

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